Google Ads Management for Chassis LLC

Project Goal:

Google Ads Management Continuously increase high-quality lead generation with Google ads and Facebook Ads optimization. Market: Highly competitive shipping container and chassis industry in the USA.

  • Business Name: Chriss LLC
  • Business Niche: Chassis Industry
  • Category: Google Ads
  • Goal: Leads

Challenge Google Ads Management:

In the fiercely competitive landscape of the shipping container and chassis industry in the USA, the challenge is to orchestrate a dynamic and effective lead generation strategy through Google Ads and Facebook Ads optimization. The goal is not merely to generate leads but to consistently attract high-quality prospects, ensuring a steady stream of potential customers amidst intense market competition. The challenge lies in crafting compelling ad campaigns, leveraging targeting tools effectively, and continuously refining strategies to maximize ROI while staying ahead of rivals in this fast-paced sector.


Campaign Initiation (August 1st, 2023)
1. Market Research and Competitor Analysis
  • Conducted thorough research to understand the dynamics of the industry, identifying key competitors, their straegies, and market trends.
  • Utilized tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs to analyze competitor ad strategies and keyword targeting.
2. Keyword Research and Selection
  • Conducted extensive keyword research to identify high-performing and relevant keywords for Google Ads campaigns.
  • Segmented keywords based on search intent, funnel stage, and competitiveness.
3. Account Setup and Structure
  • Created Google Ads and Facebook Ads accounts for Chassis LLC.
  • Structured campaigns, ad groups, and targeting options for optimal performance and scalability.
Campaign Optimization (August - January 2024)
4. Ad Copy and Creative Testing
  • Developed compelling ad copy tailored to resonate with Chassis LLC's target audience.
  • Conducted A/B testing to refine messaging and improve ad performance.
5. Landing Page Optimization
  • Collaborated with the web development team to optimize landing pages for user experience and conversion rate.
  • Implemented clear call-to-actions and lead capture forms.
6. Bid Management and Budget Allocation
  • Constantly monitored and adjusted bid strategies to maximize ROI and stay competitive in the market.
  • Allocated budgets based on performance data and campaign priorities.
7. Audience Targeting Refinement
  • Utilized audience segments in both Google Ads and Facebook Ads to reach potential customers with precision.
  • Conducted audience testing to identify the most responsive segments.
8. Conversion Tracking and Attribution Modeling
  • Implemented Google Analytics 4 and Tag Manager to track conversions and attribute them accurately to marketing channels.
  • Analyzed multi-touch attribution models to understand the impact of each touchpoint in the customer journey.
9. Continuous Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Conducted regular data analysis to identify trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement.
  • Provided detailed reports to the client showcasing campaign performance against KPIs.


After six months of dedicated effort and strategic optimization, the results are mind-blowing:

  • Lead Generation: Achieved a consistent flow of 80-90 leads per week.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Maintained a ROAS of 500% throughout the campaign period.
  • Cost per Acquisition (CPA): Reduced CPA by 30% through continuous optimization efforts.

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